As we close out 2020 this month, it’s important now more than ever for us to work on balancing our energies from all that we’ve experienced this past year. There exists, within your body, 7 energy centers, called Chakras. Chakras effect all areas of our lives, from how we think of ourselves to how we operate in the world. In this month’s blog we’ll dive into the 7 Chakras, how to tell if your energies are imbalanced and how to help balance them.
“Chakra” means “wheel” in Sanskrit. And we all have seven main wheels of energy found in various parts of our body. When these wheels are spinning in a balanced fashion (i.e. open and not over/underactive) they allow energy to flow freely and to reach all areas of our physical and ethereal bodies. A balanced Chakra can make us feel healthy, revitalized, connected to ourselves and our environment, as well as brave and confident! (Hel-lo Star Card!). When they are blocked or overactive, however, we can suffer from deep insecurity and a lack of trust in ourselves and in others. We can also experience an inability to fall in love or believe in a Higher Power. Illness, stress and continued conflict can cause such blockages. Needless to say, it’s important to tend to and care for our Chakras. Below are brief descriptions of each Chakra, how to tell if they’re imbalanced and how to remedy that. (I also suggest, if you so choose, to schedule an energy balancing/healing session with an energy worker, such as a reputable Reiki Master near you, it can help start you off on solid footing and you can self-maintain with daily practice).
Root Chakra – “Muladhara”
Location: The base of the spine.
Color: Red
The Root Chakra affects your physical body and basic survival. This includes eating, sleeping, exercising, our sense of safety, stability and home.
When the Root Chakra is imbalanced, we tend to feel disorganized, anxious or fearful. We have unhealthy relationships with money. We can feel annoyed with people, suffer from insecurities, or struggle with codependency. Being impulsive or holding rigid boundaries is also a sign of an imbalanced Root Chakra.
How to Balance the Root Chakra
Physical exercise
Meditation / Visualization – envisioning the color red, glowing and expanding at the base of your spine and radiating throughout your body
Crystals – meditating with and/or carrying crystals around with you such as Bloodstone, Black Obsidian and Red Jasper
Affirmations – “I am safe” “I am deeply rooted and stable” “I trust myself”
Essential Oil – (please use natural organic oils only) myrrh, frankincense, grapefruit can be placed in baths, oil warmers or on your body
The Sacral Chakra – “Svadhisthana”
Location: Below the navel
Color: Orange
The Sacral Chakra effects your relationship to passion and creativity, intimacy, pleasure and exploration. Feeling joyous and being open to experience is another attribute of the Sacral Chakra.
When the Sacral Chakra is imbalanced, we can experience a lack of creativity, constant fatigue, lacking desire and an overall detachment to things, people and places. We tend to thrive on drama, can become aggressive and develop addictive personalities or overreact emotionally.
How to Balance the Sacral Chakra
Create stuff!
Meditation /Visualization – imagine an orange glowing orb below your navel, envision it slowly expanding and radiating throughout your body
Crystals – you can meditate with and/or carry crystals around with you such as Carnelian or Orange Calcite
Affirmations – “I am a creative Being” “I am a passionate Being” “I am connected to the present moment”
Essential Oil – (please use natural organic oils only) Sandalwood, Cinnamon and Jasmine can be placed in a warm bath, on your body or in an oil burner
The Solar Plexus – “Manipura”
Location: 2 inches above the navel
Color: Yellow
The Solar Plexus Chakra effects your willpower, self-esteem, how you view yourself.
When the Solar Plexus Chakra is imbalanced, we experience feelings of helplessness, a lack of purpose and low self-esteem. We can also experience a desire to control things or people, being overly critical or stubborn along with anger and aggression.
How to Balance the Solar Plexus
Go outside and spend time in the sun
Explore new experiences
Meditation / Visualization – imagine a yellow glowing orb above your navel, envision it slowly expanding and radiating throughout your body
Crystals – you can meditate with and/or carry crystals around with you such as Yellow Calcite, Tiger’s Eye or Citrine.
Affirmations – “I feel my own power” “I direct my own life” “I love and accept myself” “I am true and authentic”
Essential Oil – (please use natural organic oils only) Cedarwood, Ginger and Grapefruit can be placed in a warm bath, on your body or in an oil burner
The Heart Chakra – “Anahata”
Location: Center of the chest
Color: Green
The Heart Chakra effects our connections, our ability to be affectionate and tender and to love unconditionally. It strengthens our ability to exhibit compassion, empathy and respect for ourselves and others.
When the Heart Chakra is imbalanced we experience challenges in forgiving others and moving on from the past. We can also feel withdrawn and isolate ourselves. We can become over critical of ourselves and others, neglect our emotional self-care, become codependent and forfeit our boundaries.
How to Balance the Heart Chakra
Practice placing yourselves in other people’s proverbial shoes to encourage and strengthen your empathy and compassion
Speak to yourself in loving and encouraging ways
Enjoy clean fresh air as much as possible
Meditation / Visualizations – imagine a green orb in the center of your chest and envision it expanding and radiating throughout your body
Crystals – meditating with and/or carrying crystals around with you such as Rose Quartz, Green Agate or Amazonite
Affirmations – “I am open to love” “I love and accept myself” “I am always grateful” “I am love”
Essential Oils – (please use natural organic oils only) Spearmint, Rose or Lime can be placed in a warm bath, oil warmer or on your body
The Throat Chakra – “Vishuddha”
Location: The neck / throat
Color: Blue
The Throat Chakra effects your ability to express your truth and allows you to expand your awareness to beyond that of environmental programming and social conditioning. It also allows us to communicate effectively and with conviction and to stand up for what we believe in.
When the Throat Chakra is imbalanced we tend to experience feelings of insecurity, timidity, a fear of speaking up or gossiping about others. We can also become rude and arrogant and be overly critical and condescending.
How to Balance the Throat Chakra
Speak openly and honestly at all times
Meditation / Visualization – imagine a blue orb of light glowing on your neck. Allow it to slowly expand and radiate throughout your body
Crystals – meditating with and/or carrying crystals around with you such as Aqua Marine and Kyanite
Affirmations – “I am open and honest” “I live an authentic life” “I am a Sovereign Being” “It is my right to speak my truth”
Essential Oils – (please use natural organic oils only) Peppermint, Rosemary and Cypress can be placed in a warm bath, oil warmer or on the body
Third Eye Chakra – “Ajna”
Location: Above the bridge of your nose and between the eyebrows
Color: Indigo (like the night sky)
The Third Eye Chakra links our mind to inner and outer worlds and helps us access knowledge and wisdom from our Inner Being. It helps us “see” things clearly without illusions. It allows us to reach deeper understandings and expands our intuition as well as integrates our logical thoughts.
An imbalanced Third Eye Chakra can manifest itself as feeling fearful of the unknown, an inability to see past illusions and a disconnection from the Universe. Being judgmental and overly critical is another manifestation, along with anxiety, excessive daydreaming or a lack of clarity.
How to Balance the Third Eye Chakra
Journaling or practicing Automatic Writing
Learning new things or opening oneself up to other cultures
Paying attention to your dreams and deciphering their meanings
Meditation / Visualization – imagine an indigo light orb glowing in between your brows, slowly expanding and radiating throughout your body
Crystals – meditating with and/or carrying crystals around with you such as Lapis Lazuli or Sodalite
Affirmations – “I am wise, knowledgeable and intuitive” “I trust my inner knowing” “I am connected to the wisdom of the Universe”
Essential Oils – (please use natural organic oils only) Frankincense, Lavender and Pine can be placed in a warm bath, oil warmer or on the body
The Crown Chakra – “Sahasrara”
Location: The top of the head
Color: Purple
The Crown Chakra is the place where we meet with a higher state or universal consciousness. We experience Spiritual growth and connection through The Crown and gain the highest of clarity and enlightened wisdom! We can also experience resounding unity with everything and everyone around us transcending the physical trappings of this dimension and reaching altered states of consciousness.
An imbalanced Crown Chakra manifests itself as being overly materialistic and greedy and a sense of elitism. It also can cause feelings of superiority and apathy.
How to Balance the Crown Chakra
Let go of things that no longer serve your Highest Good, including unhealthy relationships
Declutter! (Your house, your body and your mind)
Meditation / Visualization – imagine a purple orb of light on the top of your head. Envision it expanding and vibrating throughout your body
Crystals – meditating with and/or carrying crystals around with you such as Amethyst and Clear Quartz
Affirmations – “I honor the Divine within me” “I am open to divine wisdom” “I live in the present moment”
Essential Oils – (please use natural organic oils) Sandalwood, Rosewood, Lemon can be placed in a warm bath, an oil warmer or on your body
A Personal Message From The Guided Tarot:
I want to end this Blog with well wishes for December as we close out this year. We are walking into 2021 on a different plane; one where we are more in touch with our Higher Selves and more connected to our knowing and inner wisdom! We are being reborn after the destruction and reconstruction of our lives and Collectively gaining momentum towards the dawning of a new era! We are all strong and resilient, we are all loving and Spiritual Beings meant to carry future generations forward. May we do so with dignity, grace and the utmost gratitude for simply Being.
Stay Blessed, Protected & Always Grateful!
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